Which one is better: Sitecore OrderCloud or Sitecore Experience Commerce

OrderCloud has more features and benefits than Sitecore Experience Commerce. However, it also offers a few features similar to Sitecore Experience Commerce, like micro-services architecture. Sitecore OrderCloud is more focused on building an eCommerce platform. At the same time, Sitecore Experience Commerce is more focused on creating an exceptional digital experience for customers.



It’s good to know the difference between Sitecore OrderCloud and Sitecore Experience Commerce. Sitecore had Sitecore Experience Commerce and recently acquired OrderCloud, formerly known as Four51.

Let’s take a closer look at Sitecore Experience Commerce and Sitecore OrderCloud.

Understand what Sitecore OrderCloud is: 

OrderCloud was designed to solve complex business problems for B2X marketplaces. It’s an API-based, headless CMS platform which allows you to create eCommerce platforms quickly and easily. Sitecore OrderCloud, a next-generation platform, is wholly built on MACH architecture. MACH Architecture allows for individual functions to be independently developed and deployed.

Sitecore OrderCloud’s cloud-native design allows you to integrate with other systems seamlessly. It also allows scalability and connecting with other services like mobile apps, social media, etc. In addition, it can scale to more than 6,000,000 products.

OrderCloud is a powerful tool for large companies looking for digital transformation in their eCommerce and retail businesses. Sitecore OrderCloud allows you to extend your business to every touchpoint.

Sitecore OrderCloud’s most essential features:

Order Management, Product Management and Vendor Management – You can manage, regulate and control multiple orders and customer buying journeys. Also, you can administrate vendor onboarding. This feature includes eCommerce catalogue management.

High Quality Security: 

An eCommerce business deals with sensitive and confidential information. Information about products, vendors, customer buying patterns and order data. This creates privacy and security issues. Sitecore OrderCloud addresses these concerns as it complies with all laws and regulations to ensure data safety and security.

Sitecore OrderCloud Cloud-native Infrastructure Sitecore OrderCloud makes it easy for developers to create a platform without worrying about external factors that might hinder the development process. All aspects of the development, deployment and management are done online. As a result, it is safer and more convenient.

Time and Cost Savings: 

Every company wants to save time and money. Finding ways to save money and time is essential, even if you are in business for profit. Sitecore OrderCloud can help you reduce costs and speed up your development process. Sitecore OrderCloud allows you to create an eCommerce portal in less than a month.

Headless Integrations: 

OrderCloud’s headless integrations make your platform flexible and future-proof. Your platform functions, such as back-end and front-end, can be independent thanks to OrderCloud’s MACH architecture based on micro-services. As a result, you can make changes to the platform without affecting others if you need to upgrade or make other changes. This reduces downtime for errors and also helps to minimize them.

Sitecore OrderCloud, an eCommerce platform that offers headless integrations, allows you to customize your platform to provide an exceptional customer experience.

What is Sitecore Experience Commerce, and how does it work?

Sitecore Experience Commerce was launched in 2014. It was previously known as Commerceserver.net before Sitecore bought it. Since its introduction on the market, it has seen many upgrades, iterations, and changes. It has improved its capabilities and performance each time, as well as a new framework released with Version 9. Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.1 is the current version.

This latest version has several advantages, including data archiving options and the commerce redis cache optimization. However, this framework is only for the B2C market.

Get in touch with us to learn more about Sitecore Experience Commerce and Sitecore OrderCloud.

Let’s get to it

Sitecore Experience Commerce has some of the essential features:

Sitecore XC Inventory and Catalog Management – Sitecore XC makes managing your inventory and catalogues easy. You can use this to create, modify, and manage inventory. It can also integrate with Microsoft Azure for offline integration.


Sitecore Experience Commerce (XC) offers flexibility. You can combine Sitecore XP Solution with it to create a powerful Digital Experience Platform. In addition, Salesforce Marketing Cloud and ERPs are available in many configurations.

Sitecore XC Promotion Modules: 

Sitecore XC enables businesses to offer and promote real-time offers to customers. It can even use this to automate marketing and promotions.

Order and Customer Management: 

Some many tools and modules can be used to secure data, manage customer orders, and use the data to run the recommendation engine. You can manage, control and operate all orders of your customers from one platform. This includes past, present, and future orders. Sitecore Experience Commerce allows you to view all of your customers and perform analysis.

Final Verdict:

OrderCloud has more features and benefits than Sitecore Experience Commerce. However, it also offers a few features similar to Sitecore Experience Commerce, like micro-services architecture.

One of the main differences we found was that OrderCloud uses an API-based framework that makes it easy to integrate services. This allows for parallel development of the front-end as well as the back-end. In addition, a headless approach makes it easier to find solutions.

Sitecore OrderCloud is more focused on building an eCommerce platform. At the same time, Sitecore Experience Commerce is more focused on creating an exceptional digital experience for customers.


Sitecore OrderCloud is a great Sitecore solution provided by Sitecore developers. Both have benefits and capabilities that will help you to grow your B2X business and deliver a better customer experience.



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