Self Marketing using own Story for Better Career



Marketing yourself is the key to finding a great job. Marketing is all about sharing great stories. When we apply for a job, Candidates with a strong career history often get the best jobs.

Each professional has a unique story, a unique way the way we reached where we are currently, passed through very different roads and means by which we got there, carry some amazing short stories that got created on the way.

Is it not fun to share such stories so that we make that journey digitally immortal and let others benefit from it in whatever way they can either as inspiration, lesson learned, or get validation that certain paths are potentially good ones to follow.

What’s the story you want to tell?

A career story is a way to grab attention in a job interview and make yourself stand out as the best candidate for the position. How to craft a compelling career story and get hired.

Learn what a career story looks like – and what it’s not

A career story is simply a short, chronological summary of who you are and what you do. This is a story that summarizes what you have to offer, conveys your passion, and explains why employers should be interested.

Use a logical structure to share a story

Your audience will be able to follow a coherent story. Your story should have a:


What have you done? Begin your story by briefly reviewing your background and how you got interested in your profession.


What are you doing now? Your previous roles, achievements, and transitions to this point. Keep it simple and focus on the most important chapters and pivotal moments of your career.


Where are you going? Your narrative should connect the dots and frame the role as the next step in your career. You should include details about what makes you unique for this opportunity.

Add anecdotes.

You can communicate your passion through short, pertinent stories that provide real-world evidence and help you establish a personal connection.

Be honest.

While it is natural to want to portray yourself in the best possible light, avoid exaggerating. This will only lead to unrealistic expectations, and you’ll be set up for failure.

Don’t ramble

Attention spans are short so keep your career story to a maximum of two minutes. After you have completed your career story outline, leave it aside for a few days. You can then go back over it again with fresh eyes and edit out redundant information.

Practice Telling your story

Telling your story to a friend or relative will boost your confidence and help you hit the right notes. Although you don’t have to know every detail, it will help you shine brightest when you are prepared for your interview.

Are you ready to start the next chapter of your career?

Akscellence can help you

  • Identify your strengths
  • Evaluate your career options
  • Build your brand
  • Find assignments and direct-hire jobs that match your career goals



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