Keep Professional career intact using these apps

So, Today I am going to discuss about some of the apps which helps you to Keep Professional career intact.



In every phase of our professional career there is a need to be aware of where do we stand and what are the right buttons to push to keep the momentum of career going. It helps to increase awareness of where we are professionally and suggests what’s the next logical step to do at the right time. Isn’t it helpful if we have some apps which can help us to do this in easier way ?

Some of the Professional career Goals

Here are the Some of the common career goals may be,

  • Find your first job
  • After being laid off, you can re-enter the workforce.
  • Change to a job that suits your strengths.
  • Get a promotion or raise.
  • Find a better job with a new employer…

How to Achieve a Professional career?

To achieve that Professional career goal, you must measure your progress and keep on track.

According to the old saying, “A goal without an action plan is just wishful thinking.” Technology has made it possible to create solid plans to reach your professional goals. Our Professional career experts share their top apps that will help you keep track of your goals throughout the year.


Strides is one the most flexible and user-friendly goal tracking apps available. You can see your progress in a glance with a simple dashboard that displays four types of tracking: average, target, habit and milestone. could be the right option for you if you want to achieve more by being guided and reassured. The app is easy to use and has powerful features. However, it is free and you can get a coach for as low as $15 per month to give you the support and encouragement you need.

A Way of Life.

Way of Life has both a free and a paid version. It features an intuitive interface that is easy to use. Way of Life is unique because it helps you develop good habits that will propel you forward and break down the bad ones that keep you back. The app tracks data over time to create trend lines and charts to help you visualize your progress towards your Professional career goals.


GoalsOnTrack helps you manage your Professional career goals by keeping track of specific, measurable and achievable goals. It allows you to see your progress towards your goals in a glance, track your time and journal your work experiences.


Lifetick is a great option if you want to keep track of your laptop and desktop goals. The web-based app has robust goal-planning capabilities, making it ideal for planning out complicated plans. This free app offers many great functions, such as organizing to-do lists and tools to help you reach your long-term career goals.


If you need any further help to get into the right job ,choose the right career, please contact Akscellence and we will help you right away.



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